Thailand | Mid Life Adventures
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Destination - Thailand

MLA Insights

Thailand via the Mekong

The allure of  northern Thailand’s perfectly formed roads and the mighty Mekong  inspired Mid Life Adventures to plot a ride route from Chiang Mai, ‘The rose of the north’ into unseen Laos  where motorcycling touring on well maintained road bikes doesn’t get any better. Laos remains an untouched Asian treasure with charming villages, exotic culture, warm stress free Lao people and spectacular landscape.

Accommodation is single share and this ride is definitely one to share with a partner, family member or friend as your pillion.

Thai 2 Loop Adventure Ride

For those who love the thrill of riding perfectly formed roads on well maintained 650’s as well as tackling single tracks, rivers and snotty hills through the jungle on a CRF 250, then the 12 day Thai 2 Loop ride is for you.

No sharing rooms in resort accommodation on this trip and you are treated to Thai banquets nightly. Limited to 12 riders.

Available Tours


I want to thank everyone who was on our Thai 2 Loop ride for making it such a great trip. I really enjoyed the company of every single one who was on the tour. Thanks guys, the food we ate, the beer we drank, the places we saw, the people we met, the boats we went on, the tea we drank, the places we stayed, the pools we swam in, the cigars we smoked, the shots we had, the challenges we had. We all came together as one when needed to help another through their difficulties. I want to thank Mike and Bob of Mid Life Adventures for making all this possible. The work you guys put in to this trip made it a reality for all of us. The memories I have of this trip are just fantastic.

Dan Ballantyne,

I have learnt that trips like this you just accept the flow and don’t try to fight it. I really struggle to find anything at all that I find reason to negatively comment about. The trip was great. The accommodation was above expectation. The food was fantastic and where it wasn’t so great that was fine also as that is part of the experience and I didn’t go hungry. The organisation was superb, the itinerary was faultless, and the comradery was excellent! Thanks Mike and Bob, this is the third ride that I have done with you guys and I can’t wait for the next adventure.

Mark (New Zealand),

The second phase through the jungle of Thailand’s west and in to Laos was for me the most was the most physically and mentally challenging for me but at the same time was the most rewarding. Most importantly what dominated the trip was the great team spirit. Thanks Mike and Bob for an unbelievable adventure which I would never have done off my on bat. Wherever the trip and whatever the time, I’m there!

Lars (Denmark),

A very well organised ride through exotic northern Thailand with a great bunch of blokes – awesome food and plentiful, clean and comfortable accommodation and bikes in great condition all well run in by the end of the trip. At dinner time the cone of silence descends and the banter starts as we recapped the events of the day. This is the highlight of the trip for me!. MLA rides are affordable with no middlemen, the organisers Mike and Bob with many years’ experience riding motorcycles have a great sense of adventure and mischief and don’t take any crap from princesses.


Probably the best group dynamic I have experienced since guiding skiers around the Austrian Alps. Every day on and off road I had the opportunity to push myself to the limit on some occasions over but on purpose. This ride was a great learning experience and I improved my riding skills immensely. Having the young guys in the mix was also uplifting and I thoroughly enjoyed their company. Thanks to Mike and Bob of MLA for organizing this fantastic trip and I look for to riding Mongolia with Mid Life Adventures who have shown that you guys run great tours.

Siggy (Austrian),

As some of you know I bought the trip to Thailand with Mid Life Adventures as a birthday present. Better still I would be joining my father Tony on the first loop of the ride. Mid Life Adventures allowed me to tag along which was an absolutely unbelievable experience. It gave me the opportunity to learn new skills from seasoned riders, meet new people and experience a incredible culture. A big thanks to Mike Burton and Bob Moffett for organizing the whole trip which was one of the best experiences and I’ll take the memories with me for the rest of my life.


It was a great trip. I believe riding a bike gives you a much better understanding of where you are and what is around you …you smell it…you feel it. It’s hot, its cold, its wet and its dry. Its life at its best when you can share it with a group of like-minded friends. It’s where fond memories are made that nobody can steal from you and you can nurture it later in life when maybe you will not be able to do the adventures anymore. The selection of hotels and tour operator chosen by MLA was amazing. I have never been picked up or dropped off before or after a tour ever and to have the suspension and bike set up for my weight and height was outstanding. Thankyou Mike and Bob for inviting me on this tour. I count it as a privilege to have met you guys.


Thailand Adventure Snaps